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Amanda Palmer Says Donald Trump Will "Make Punk Rock Great Again"

BY Josiah HughesPublished Dec 29, 2016

We're mere weeks away from the inauguration of president-elect Donald Trump, meaning Americans are rightfully freaked out about what's going to happen to their country. Ever the polarizing figure, Amanda Palmer has ruffled some feathers with her take on the election.

According to the Guardian, the cabaret-leaning musician used a press conference in Australia to explore the silver lining of a Trump presidency. In short, she said, "frightening political climates make for really good, real, authentic art."

But wait, there's so much more.

"It's been a really scary time in America. I don't know how it's felt over here [in Australia] for the past few months, but it's a total shit show over there," Palmer said. "Especially if you're an artist, a woman, a minority, gay — anything but a rich white man — it's really very scary. But being an optimist... there is this part of me — especially having studied Weimar Germany extensively — I'm like, 'This is our moment.' Donald Trump is going to make punk rock great again. We're all going to crawl down staircases into basements and speakeasies and make amazing satirically political art.

"If the political climate keeps getting uglier, the art will have to answer. We will have to fight. It's already happening – the artists in my tribes have been like, 'Alright. This is not good.' We are sharpening our knives for a large buffet."

Of course, whatever "satirically political art" is going down in America's "speakeasies" will have nothing to do with Palmer. Her and husband Neil Gaiman have just been approved for five-year work visas in Australia.

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