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The 'Minecraft' Movie Now Has a Release Date

Hopefully everyone's still obsessed with this game three years from now

BY Josiah HughesPublished Apr 16, 2019

In addition to Netflix's interactive Minecraft series, your little cousin's favourite videogame is also becoming a feature-length, live-action film. Unfortunately, however, the movie is going to take a little while. 

In an official post, the Minecraft team announced that its movie will arrive on March 4, 2022.

The Minecraft folks are well-aware of how far away that sounds. "Does it sound distant? We beg to differ! It's only 1,053 days. Or about 34 months, or 150 weeks, or a million and a half minutes. Not that we're counting, of course. Besides, it turns out that making a live-action, full-length feature film is really complicated!"

The film is being directed by Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist helmer Peter Sollett for Warner Bros. and its official synopsis promises "the story of a teenage girl and her unlikely group of adventurers. After the malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, they must save their beautiful, blocky Overworld."

Stay tuned for more information as it surfaces over the next 150 weeks.... 

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