Nicotina Hugo Rodriguez

BY Allan TongPublished Nov 17, 2016

Mexico City at 9:17 p.m. sees computer geek Lolo (Y Tu Mamá También's Diego Luna) spying on the lovely girl next door. Unfortunately, she discovers his cameras hidden inside her apartment and proceeds to rampage over his computer system. Her attack triggers a chain reaction that jeopardises a deal involving 20 diamonds with the Russian mob and entangles quarrelling pharmacists, bloodthirsty hairstylists and nosy cops. Nicotina is a black farce set in real time (93 minutes), loosely strung together by the motif of cigarette smoke — the point is that everyone's fate ends up in smoke. There are some good laughs in Nicotina and director Hugo Rodriguez keeps us following all the madcap turns without losing our attention. However, the best black comedies make a point — witness Joe Orton's plays exposing the sexual hypocrisy of a repressed England of the '60s with wicked glee. There is little beneath the surface of Nicotina, though it is entertaining and fun. Like a cigarette, Nicotina gives the viewer a rush but leaves him wanting more. (Altavista)

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