What kind of a man gets a seven-year-old girl drunk on wine in order to weasel away her beloved bra-sniffing German Shepherd? Larry David means well, most of the time at least, but gets himself caught up in heated debates over unwritten rules, although he ultimately fights for what he believes in and knows to be the true in his mind. Really, why should someone have to thank the unemployed wife of the husband who just picked up the dinner cheque? He has some good ideas, and some very bad ones, but Larry David always seems to bring up a valiant point against all of the world's bullshit common courtesies. In the third season, Larry decides to invest in a new restaurant, along with Ted Danson, among others. The development of this new business venture is the common thread stringing along these cringe-worthy episodes, as Larry makes mistakes such as informing a father that his son has an impressive penis and thinking he'll take this as a compliment. Larry also manages to get a psycho maid fired from her duties and then unloads her onto his best friend, where she ultimately snaps and attacks her new employer at the sound of The Looney Tunes theme song. Curb Your Enthusiasm in its third season continued to shine and make you cheer alongside Larry as he points out life's idiocies and cringe when you see him take his beliefs several steps too far. This DVD continues to deliver episode previews, which should be a given for all TV shows released in the digital format. The extras are light, as always, featuring only a discussion panel with the cast and creators, but has poor sound quality, although we get interesting antidotes such as Larry, in poorer times, keeping his homeless shelter options open by scoping out the hot street locations to spend the night at. It would be nice to see more extras in future releases, but the episodes are entertainment enough. (HBO/Warner)
Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Complete Third Season
BY Noel DixPublished Feb 1, 2005