Video Game
'South Park' Creators Mercilessly Mock Kanye West's 'Only One' Videogame
PUBLISHED Jun 20, 2016
Kanye West recently revealed the official trailer for his forthcoming mobile game Only One at E3 last week, and it didn't take long for the...
WTF: Metallica's James Hetfield Is Voicing a Character in the 'Skylanders' Cartoon
PUBLISHED Jun 16, 2016
In what might be the most bizarre corporate synergy of all time, the toy-turned-videogame Skylanders is now becoming an animated series for...
Watch the Official Trailer for Kanye West's Videogame 'Only One'
PUBLISHED Jun 13, 2016
At the end of his Madison Square Garden playthrough for The Life of Pablo back in February, Kanye West previewed a videogame inspired by hi...
Game Within A Game Time
PUBLISHED Jun 10, 2016
The late, great Garry Shandling didn't invent meta humour, but he did perfect its two primary forms. In his '80s sitcom It's Garry Shandlin...
'E.T.,' 'Gremlins' and 'Goonies' Coming to 'Lego Dimensions' Game
PUBLISHED Jun 9, 2016
Fans of '80s pop culture will find a lot to love in the videogame Lego Dimensions, as they're set to add characters from a wide number of c...
Lil Wayne Preps Mobile Skateboarding Game
PUBLISHED Jun 7, 2016
Thanks to an ongoing battle with Cash Money Records, once-prolific rapper Lil Wayne has slowed his roll. Sure, he still manages to drop the...
Videogame Industry Is Harming Voice Actors, Union Claims
PUBLISHED Jun 6, 2016
As the videogame industry continues to eclipse the film world as one of the most profitable entertainment sectors, more and more actors are...
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
PUBLISHED Jun 3, 2016
In the fourth chapter of A Thief's End, Naughty Dog's final Uncharted adventure, our treasure-hunting hero Nathan Drake sits down on the co...