
Tape It Back Together

BY Thomas QuinlanPublished Dec 7, 2010

Yy is a proud father. Even if you never see the album cover, which is plastered with pictures of the rapper and his children, it's hard to miss the many references on tracks like "Intro," "World's Toughest Man," "Woody Wood" and, especially, biographical bonus track "Made To Dad." In fact, fatherhood is cited as the reason for the delay following his debut EP. He's also got songs about the abuses of life ("Pig For Punishment"), small towns ("Backroads") and an ode to his hometown of Winnipeg ("I Got That Treason"), as well as the requisite battle raps and posse cuts ("Crew's Control" and "That That's That"). Peanuts & Corn label head mcenroe outdoes himself with Tape It Back Together, his inspired production turning out touching tunes "Backroads" and "Cannot Be Helped," hot hits "Crew's Control" and "Woody Wood," and impressing with his use of backing brass on "Who's Effin' With Me" and handclaps on "That That's That." Birdapres kills it on that last one. While Yy is presenting a rarely heard viewpoint in rap, his daddy raps, extremely nasal voice and tendency to spit out each word like its distasteful may not appeal to everyone. It's still a damn fine addition to the P&C discography and a great return for the recently revitalized label.
(Peanuts & Corn)

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