"I like to watch them die is the sampled, opening seconds of the album Watch Them Die by Watch Them Die. Its true, these guys are probably a little too intense. Their music is creative in many aspects, but loses its edge, as its also very clean and straightforward. What gets aggravating is the amount of useless drum rolls, "fucks, talking, pendulum riffs, and words ending in "yeow. They do however live up to the initial promise of intensity with fairly intricate songs, keeping the thrash steady throughout. The best part of this record is the seven-minute ending, titled "Resurrection. Its not quite as heavy or threatening as other epic songwriters like Opeth (luckily they dont sing either), but it captures its essence in architecture, attitude and serious guitar work. They also have some woman singly softly (think Amaran) in the background, assuring they mean business. They do slow down the pace every once in a while, becoming a wall of pounding drums and heart-slowing chugs. The vocal dynamic is quite interesting, as the entire band, with the exception of the drummer, contributes. The lead vocal is fairly gritty and tough but the piercing shrieks of one background vocalist is what stands out, being sure to add a little bit more Satan to every song.
(Century Media)Watch Them Die
Watch Them Die
BY Jill MikkelsonPublished Feb 1, 2004