​Watch Lego Robots Play Kraftwerk's "The Robots"

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Jan 31, 2017

An Italian Kraftwerk fan has crafted a band of robots out of Lego to play, well, "The Robots."
In a new clip, Giuseppe Acito introduces us to the Toa Mata band — "a tiny orchestra of Lego robots" — as they pay homage to the Krautrock classic.
Acito cites open-source technologies, microcontrollers, 3D printer, robot arm, music DAW, smartphones and pocket synthesizers in the creation of the piece, putting a modern technological spin on what itself seemed cutting edge nearly 40 years ago.
The creator explains his inspiration and process in the video's description, which reads:
I was 11 when during a Sunday afternoon of 1978 Kraftwerk appeared for the first time in an Italian TV show. For me it was a dazzling discovery, one that has changed my life, so I went into my room, took a tape and recorded the audio from the tv speaker!! I still keep that precious recording and I've played it again and again for a long time.
Since that day I was waiting the time when the robots make a real functioning band and play music live, and nowadays a lot of music robots around the world are growing up, giving new ideas and creative communication to the music.
This is my inspiration to this Kraftwerk's tribute, regarding their vision of the future and to their brilliant approaching to the music with a touch of irony that even now is still influencing a thousand of music producers around the world.
Watch the robotic Lego dudes play along to "The Robots" below.
Thanks to FACT for the tip.

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