Viva K

Viva K

BY Liz WorthPublished Nov 1, 2005

Los Angeles band Viva K’s full-length debut is an intoxicating drone of exotic flourishes blended with punk sensibilities and shoegazer tendencies. Mixed by Eli Janney of Girls Against Boys, these 12 songs each have their own swirling intricacies, but the album maintains a consistent tone throughout. Born out of "spaced-out” jam sessions, Viva K works to combine Eastern influences with simple aggression in their music. Though it sounds like an unlikely marriage, it works to create a disturbing but beautiful sound. The four members — Ween Callas (vocals), Ravi Dhar (guitar), Skoda (bass, guitar) and Evan Haros (sitar, electronics) — all owned Indian instruments before they formed, and as they bonded over this shared passion for such sounds they began adding other aspects from their diverse musical backgrounds. Many of the songs here also reflect the band’s political stance, as Viva K’s members are also passionate about social justice and are using music as a platform. This added expression infused with such stunning moves makes Viva K’s debut all the more compelling.

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