
IV: Self-Portrait

BY Chris GramlichPublished Nov 1, 2004

After a truly devastating full-length on At A Loss (III), Unpersons remerge with the same terrible moniker and a fresh one-track, 15-minute EP of the same musical desolation. Drenched in despair, hopelessness and desperation, Unpersons continue to mine their unique "it shouldn’t work but does” amalgamation of old hardcore crust/punk nihilism, Jesus Lizard-type musical unorthodoxy and deranged vocals, crushing metallic riffs, clean melodic moments reminiscent of fellow Savannah, Georgia natives Circle Takes The Square, nods to hatecore heroes Buzzov*en/Eyehategod, Melvins heaviness/weirdness and the occasional rock moment. Although recorded at the band’s jam room, sonically it may not crush but holds its own, not suffering from the lack of studio. Genre elitists will explode but Unpersons’ musical anguish is genuine, affecting, engaging and brutally heavy when it needs to be.
(Life Is Abuse)

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