Touché Amoré

Live On BBC Radio One: Vol 2

BY Peter SanfilippoPublished Sep 29, 2014

Touché Amoré may have distanced themselves from their more hardcore roots in recent years, but their intensity lives on in Live On BBC Radio One: Vol 2. Through three tracks pulled from their 2013 divergent masterpiece Is Survived By and a song off a recent split EP with post-hardcore compatriots Pianos Become the Teeth, their live fury shines through as guitars jolt from crushing distortion and feedback to a light jangle, and singer Jeremy Bolm's tormented screams and pleas thrash in the torrent of sound.

It makes for a great performance, but a portrait of a band's live energy is all there is to this EP. These four tracks offer little more than a raw recap of the studio recordings without the allure of any extra bells and whistles. It's an enjoyable 12 minutes, but your time and money are better put towards a ticket to experience them live in person instead.
(Deathwish Inc.)

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