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Tim Fite Unveils 'Ain't Ain't Ain't'

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Nov 16, 2011

Brooklyn-based Tim Fite wrangled up touches of hip-hop, country and indie rock on his last few records, and the soundsmith hopes to keep things as eclectic on his upcoming album, Ain't Ain't Ain't.

While technically the follow-up to his 2010 free download Under the Table Tennis, a press release from Anti- explains that the new disc wraps up Fite's Ain't trilogy. But while 2005's Gone Ain't Gone and 2008's Fair Ain't Fair were created using a barrage of audio samples, Fite's latest had him recording instruments in the studio. Album track "We Are All Teenagers," for instance, is said to feature "a magnificently cathartic Phil Spector-like crescendo."

Lyrically, Ain't Ain't Ain't allegedly treads similar youthful themes, with Fite admitting in a statement that, "this record is shamelessly clad in the high hopes of high-school hot pants, just as much as it is ashamed of its insecurities and aging self-awareness."

While Fite may be an adult, he thinks that everyone can relate to his adolescence-inspired outing. As he highlights in the statement below, the events that take place during those formative years shape our adult mindset.

"First loves, fist fights, cliques, slow-dances, broken hearts, joyrides, bullies and the big game," he outlined of the album's many touchstone moments. "These adolescent rites all act as mirrors for the future. Teenage loves are the loves to which all subsequent loves must be compared. Teenage fuck-ups are the fuck-ups by which all other fuck-ups are measured. There is no better mirror than a teenage mirror -- because it reflects the best and worst of us simultaneously -- pimples and all. The songs on this record are reminders of who we were, who we are, and who we may come to be."

Ain't Ain't Ain't arrives March 6.

Ain't Ain't Ain't:

1. "Hold Me All Night"

2. "Girard"

3. "Bunnies"

4. "Joyriding"

5. "Telephone Booth"

6. "We Are All Teenagers"

7. "Because I Was Scared"

8. "Tiger Shopping"

9. "My Brother Sings"

10. "Bully"

11. "Talking To The Air"

12. "Goodbye"

13. "Ain't Ain't Ain't"

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