This or the Apocalypse


BY Dave SynyardPublished Sep 16, 2008

So there you have it: either this or the apocalypse. It’s a choice that’s simple in approach, clear and to the point: make amends and change your ways or accept your fate. Lancaster, PA’s This or the Apocalypse have been described as "thinking man’s mosh” but how can you think to music this gripping and heavy? Realistically, the only thing you’re thinking is "wow.” Monuments is in the vein of August Burns Red’s Messengers but features a stronger focus on intricate guitar work and atmospheric tones. "Monuments” starts off with a feverish attack of percussion and thrashy guitar work that melds into punk rock drumming then into hardcore breakdown tempos. While musically This or the Apocalypse don’t vary their musical style much, they do employ consistent time changes and seasoned instrumental work to make this a towering release. Monuments is a straightforward album that delivers in every way it should and is an easy pick-up for any metalcore fan.

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