"Party band just about sums up Think About Life a super-enthusiastic, super-positive party where everyone gets wild and crazy and takes digital pictures of themselves doing wild and crazy things. The Montreal bands self-titled debut is a non-stop racket of extroverted lo-fi keyboard-driven pop. They sound slightly akin to Toronto neighbours Ninja High School but without the rapping (though rapper Subtitle does guest on "What the Future Might Be), though just as often they sound like the built-in song samples on your keyboard with a lot of yelping over top. Not for cynics or wallflowers, Think About Life are upbeat and gregarious, more of an audience band than an art project or show of virtuosity. While those of us with contrarian tendencies dislike and avoid these vociferously "fun bands, people who dont fear the "fun police (and they are kind of like the fun police) might get a kick out of this. Its colourful and high-energy, though the band probably sound best playing live in some guys basement. If youre unselfconscious and in constant need of stimulation, itd be a good disc to have around, but if youre of that disposition you might just throw it out after a few listens.
(Alien8)Think About Life
Think About Life
BY Alex MolotkowPublished Jul 1, 2006