The New Pornographers Are Trying to Organize 'Mass Romantic' and 'Twin Cinema' Anniversary Shows via Twitter

"If you can convince Bejar and Neko to do it, I'll do one of those 'we'll play the whole album' shows"

Photo: Jenny Jimenez

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jan 2, 2020

In 2020, the New Pornographers' power-pop debut Mass Romantic will turn 20 and their classic third album Twin Cinema will turn 15. Now, the band are tossing around the idea of celebrating both albums with anniversary shows — and the idea seems to be picking up steam.

Band leader Carl Newman first proposed the idea yesterday (January 1) on Twitter, writing, "Hey, if you can convince Bejar and Neko to do it, I'll do one of those 'we'll play the whole album' shows. I'm punk that way." He subsequently added that he was going to text Destroyer frontman Dan Bejar to see if he'd be interested.

The tweets have continued into today, as Newman revealed that Bejar has now "basically said yes." Singer Neko Case waded into the fray, telling Newman, "you haven't actually asked me?" Newman then formally asked her to do anniversary shows next fall.

See the whole exchange below, and keep your fingers crossed this works out.

In related news, Newman has said that his New Year's resolution is to release two albums in 2020 (even though he hasn't yet finished writing or recording either of them). It's not clear if he's talking about New Pornographers albums, another film score, or one of his solo albums as A.C. Newman.

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