
Life Drawing

BY Natalie Zina WalschotsPublished Apr 18, 2014

In Herbert's Dune novels, the Stone Burners were intensely destructive atomic weapons that were particularly good at causing blindness, due to their particular brand of radiation's lethality to eyeballs. Portland-based sludge metallers Stoneburner seek to channel that abjection and volatile destructiveness in their second full-length release and first record with Neurot, Life Drawing.

A rank, lumbering and bestial album, Life Drawing revels in its disgusting physicality. The riff structures are defined by a wet, sucking muscularity, and the primary subject matter, fittingly, centres on the evil gravity of addiction. There is a festering regret that pervades every deep thrum of "Caged Bird," and an ugly need that gives the already acidic "You Are The Worst" an even more sinister vibe, conjuring Eyehategod and darker YOB.

Equal parts temptation and torture, Life Drawing is an exquisitely painful response to the struggle against desire and the impulse to satisfy one's most base needs.

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