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Spotify Lifts 10,000-Song Limit

The app now features unlimited online saving

BY Allie GregoryPublished May 26, 2020

Spotify users can kiss library limitations goodbye, as the app's developer team has finally waived restrictions on song storage. The app has officially started rolling out unlimited online libraries.

Previously, users with collections reaching the upper limit of their libraries would receive a message that read, "Epic collection, friend. There's no more room in Your Library. To save more, you'll need to remove some songs or albums."

Now, avid listeners can now save and like as many songs as they want, instead of the previous 10,000.

Some restrictions remain in place, such as the 10,000-song cap on individual playlists and offline (downloaded) listening caps.

Also, some users may see a delay in the rollout, but according to a Spotify Community forum, it shouldn't last long.

According to the forum, thousands of users have been requesting the change since way back in 2014.

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