Smash Mouth's Singer Has Been Replaced by an Unidentified Stand-In

Lead singer Steve Harwell has apparently taken a hiatus from the band's touring schedule

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Oct 5, 2021

The years start coming and they don't stop coming — and neither do Smash Mouth's live performance obligations, which drove them to find a surprise replacement filling in for frontman Steve Harwell onstage.

Harwell has now revealed his hiatus from the band to TMZ ... after the band had already employed a mystery vocalist for a few gigs. He's taken some time off from Smash Mouth's strenuous touring schedule, coping with heart failure and cardiomyopathy — a muscular condition which makes it more difficult for the heart to pump blood.

Summarizing a statement from a representative for Smash Mouth, the tabloid wrote: "Steve had not been feeling well, [...] which forced him to miss a few performances." They also clarified that the replacement frontman was only a temporary fixture, as Harwell is on the mend.

Totally reasonable explanation; health has to come before "Walking on the Sun." So that clears up some of the confusion, however the identity of the band's stand-in singer has yet to be revealed. That being said, Eve 6's Max Collins has offered his services. You can check out a couple of live clips featuring the mystery frontman performing in McHenry, IL below and see if you can identify his voice. Maybe this could be a new version of that Masked Singer show — if only Smash Mouth were into masks instead of super-spreader events!

Recently, Smash Mouth did offer comment on the ludicrous omission of "All Star" from Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs list — as well as Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian's relationship.

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