10.21, by Long Island, NY's Skycamefalling, is not a sonic journey to undertake lightly. Not a "song" oriented album, although there are some great ones ("Porcelain Heart Promises," for example), 10.21 is an album that demands to be experienced and absorbed from beginning to end, numerous times, before its true beauty and creativity can be gleamed. At 63 minutes, this isn't a slight undertaking, by any means, but it's worth the effort. Skycamefalling's sound is a morose, atmospheric driven affair laden with moments of beauty, regret, and unadulterated rage, eschewing the overtly technical trend in hardcore for the emotional, seeming to lament as often as it vents. The relentless metallic hardcore is alleviated with piano and acoustic moments of weakness, an increased appreciation of melody and a underlying sense of serenity that seems constantly on the verge of establishing itself, only to be washed away each time. However, while best taken as a whole, 10.21 possesses some standout tracks, the thrash pace, dynamics and striking chorus of the aforementioned "Porcelain Heart Promises," "Laura Palmer," with its contrast of harsh and mellow, and the punishing metallic closer "An Ocean Apart." Although it can be a consuming and demanding listen, 10.21is worth the effort.
BY Chris GramlichPublished Feb 1, 2001