Hailing from Gold Coast, Australia, A Secret Death are quite reminiscent of the Bled in many ways. They feature vocals akin to James Muñoz's, possess a style that flirts with hardcore's speed and staple breakdowns, an atmospheric production that results in noisecore flourishes, where both transitions and minimalist sounds are used to contrast the heaviness, and the ability to make killer music. A Secret Death do have their aforementioned similarities to the Bled but this album is a refreshing release in a hardcore market that revels in the ever-heavy and ever-moshable one-note, chugging breakdown. "Gloom With A View," "Peyote Ugly" and "Cowboys In Reverse" are the album's best songs, served with heavy doses of brutality and demonically fierce vocals. Conversely, "Sticks And Stones" is a great example of how ASD blend their differing sounds into an epic six-minute track, creating a hypnotic ambience while retaining their hardcore base. A Secret Death comes highly recommended for fans of the Bled and anyone looking for a listen that isn't overly contrived or bland.
(Tribunal)A Secret Death
A Secret Death
BY Dave SynyardPublished Jun 9, 2009