Rocky Votolato

The Brag & Cuss

BY Michael EdwardsPublished Jul 18, 2007

Rocky Votolato’s transition from sensitive emo kid to sensitive singer-songwriter is pretty much complete, although he still isn’t quite sure if he wants to be the country troubadour he’s been hinting at lately. It has taken until his fifth album for him to turn his back on the acoustic guitar of his earlier solo records, although The Brag & Cuss is a small step sideways rather than a giant leap forward. That’s probably a very good idea, as Votolato was really hitting his stride on 2006’s Makers, so while there’s a fuller sound to this record there’s nothing that could potentially alienate existing fans. And when it comes down to it, the reason that The Brag & Cuss is such a good record is because of his great songs and understated delivery. He can throw out well-worn lyrics and they never sound clichéd. Quite the reverse, actually 1— he sounds like he’s talking directly to the listener and understands what they’re going through. And that’s exactly why he’ll be a star someday soon.

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