Reign Supreme

Sky Burial

BY Bradley Zorgdrager Published Mar 19, 2013

"It Feels Like A Thousand Years" is an appropriate title for the opening track on Reign Supreme's Sky Burial; this number is plodding, atmospheric and, quite frankly, drags on for far too long. A signature Reign Supreme track — ridiculously heavy metallic hardcore — immediately follows. The band don't stop there, instead pushing their metallic edge further with the inclusion of blast beats and an air of chaos. These three main sounds split the EP's runtime— if this all seems rather confusing, well, it is. This strange mishmash of sounds leads to an EP that is scattered and unfocused, rather than engrossing. It's only more disappointing given the four-year wait since 2009's Testing the Limits of Infinite; with so much time in between, you'd expect more than a seven-song EP, or at least a more focused one. It's a shame because when Reign Supreme stick to what they do best, they prove that few can stir up a pit as well.

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