Premonitions of War

The True Face of Panic

BY Chris GramlichPublished Mar 1, 2003

Recently signed to Earache Records, Premonitions of War demonstrates not only why, but also a huge wealth of destructive potential with their seven-song The True Face of Panic EP for Goodfellow Records. Unquestionably the heaviest, in terms of sheer sonic density, release to date from Goodfellow, and hailing from Klinger's hometown of Toledo, Ohio, Premonitions of War unleash an opaque and buffeting onslaught akin to the inexorable tectonic crushing of two land masses obliterating themselves in a battle for superiority. Parallels can be drawn to the mighty rampaging juggernaut Coalesce, with who Premonition of War share both sonic commonalities and similar methods of construction and attack: slightly off-kilter weaving riffs and beats, an air of overwhelming mass, beyond abrasive vocals, an incredibly tight but loose playing style and an unrelenting attack spanning metal, hardcore, thrash and noise. But Premonitions Of War stake their own claim, throwing in the metallic down-tuned thrum of Eyehategod at their most regimented and vicious, circa Take As Needed For Pain, grind runs not unlike Soilent Green or Burnt By The Sun and alleviating all of the unmitigated carnage with treated percussive pieces that become ambient soundscapes. While Premonitions of War may still be slaying in the shadows of giants, God help us all when they step out.

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