Phantom Glue

Phantom Glue

BY Keith CarmanPublished Aug 10, 2010

A collaboration from members and former contributors to the likes of the Huguenots, Hydronaut and 27, Phantom Glue pulls no punches, in terms of influence or delivery: bulky riffs, lethargic pacing and a rumbling vocal explosion reminiscent of what Cthulu itself would bellow. Moreover, as it was recorded by Kurt Ballou (Converge, Doomriders) and mastered by Nick Zampiello (Isis, Torche, Cave In), this band's self-titled debut dots every "i" and crosses each "t," in terms of maximizing sludgy carrion. Still, while Phantom Glue is modestly predictable doom metal with obvious influences, including the requisite Neurosis nods, High On Fire apocalyptic grooves and such, there's still more than enough spirit, audacity and excitement to keep its seven tracks continually fascinating. In other words, this quartet were smart to take the route most travelled in order to realize their heated bastion of caustic riffs and unearthly girth, creating some enticingly memorable, epic and matchless moments.
(Teenage Disco Bloodbath)

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