
Human Hurricane

BY Sean PalmerstonPublished Nov 1, 1999

One of the most influential early doom metal bands was the Maryland-based Pentagram. With a history reaching back into the early ’70s, Pentagram (along with bands such as Black Sabbath and Blue Cheer) helped set the stage for today’s doom and stoner rock resurgence. Formed originally under the moniker Stone Bunny with the hopes of becoming the world’s loudest band, Pentagram took their early influence from the heavyweights of the day such as the Groundhogs and Sir Lord Baltimore, and played a very fuzzed out, energetic style of hard rock that is now referred to as stoner rock. Unlike their later recordings that found singer Bobby Leibling screaming vocals, here Leibling sings more like a drugged out hippie. Pentagram’s early sound is much more groove-oriented than anything since. Most of these recordings are low-fi, stemming from jam hall rehearsals and unmastered studio sessions, but for my money these are the best recordings the band ever did.

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