
Xbox 360 / PC

BY Joshua OstroffPublished Jul 25, 2007

Years of Grand Theft Auto have schooled us on the benefits of being bad but there’s being a low-level urban gangsta and there’s being a full-on Sauron. Of course, you start out as an overthrown evil overlord, but there is ample time for wanton destruction as you set out to re-subjugate the lands that were freed by the same so-called heroes that sacked your dark tower. But what is an evildoer without his minions? Here, you control an ever-growing army of giggling, Gremlins-inspired imps who gleefully destroy crops and slaughter adorable sheep, innocent villagers and even a unicorn or two. With its fantasy setting, Overlord operates as a tongue-in-cheek parody of just about every RPG you’ve ever played (especially Fable) and never skimps on the funny. Your sadistic, multi-coloured minions will scavenge anything they come across, so you may notice the wee beasties wearing a pumpkin as a helmet or sporting a woman’s dress while they snort, snicker and pillage at your sweeping command (via a control scheme reminiscent of Nintendo’s decidedly un-evil Pikmin). Sure, you can kill at will yourself — the badass fireball spell is but one of your skills — but it’s often more fun to kick back and send your underlings in. Amusingly, the heroes have been unable to keep the populace appeased and, like the elderly Russians who selectively recall better times under the hammer and sickle, many will rally around your flag if you spare their lives and homes. But from your perspective, the "good” Halflings, Elves and knights are all awful bastards deserving of dastardly deaths, so why encourage cheering peasants when everyone should be grovelling at your feet?
(Triumph Studios/Codemasters)

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