Equal parts Sonic Youth and Fu Manchu, with some elements of Karma to Burn, Rocket From the Crypt and Kyuss, Nice Cat are the indie flavour of moment. The majority of the hoopla is about the fact that Nice Cat are a predominantly female quartet (three girls and the drummer), but gender issues should be ignored as long as the ability to rock is present. Take the lead-off track “Sugar Daddy,” with its bouncy rhythm, fuzzed-out distortion and “too cool for school” vocals, and Nice Cat amply demonstrate this necessary quality. Also, Nice Cat’s strange utilisation of stoner/fuzz rock and pop sensibilities , would seem like an easy hybrid to fail at. Fortunately, Nice Cat have both the musical ability and the attitude to escape the pratfalls of both trying to combine divergent styles and the inexperience that comes from being a relatively new band.
(Independent)Nice Cat
Nice Cat
BY Chris GramlichPublished Aug 1, 1999