Mastodon Unleash Lavish Box Set Version of <i>Crack the Skye</i>

BY Jason SchreursPublished Nov 19, 2009

The quintessential mammoths of metal, Mastodon, will be releasing a box set version of their latest album, Crack the Skye, to ship exclusively from their website on December 15.

The one-time pressing of the limited-edition box set will include the band's epic full-length, along with an instrumental score version of the same album, a 6x6 exclusive lithograph art piece, plus two exclusive, immediate downloads of the Mastodon tunes "Divinations" and "Colony of Birchmen," which were recorded live at XFM. All of this comes in a gold-stamped, foil digi-book with new wild-boar-themed art from long-standing Mastodon artist Paul Romano. Full ordering details for the Crack the Skye box set are here.

"Once they are gone no more will be created," post the band on their website.
Meanwhile, as previously reported, Mastodon are busy doing the score of the new Jonah Hex flick. And after they wrap up their tour this week with Dethklok, Converge and High on Fire, they then head over to Australia to play the Big Day Out Festival.

Yes, things are just hunky-dory in Mastodon land.

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