Mass Effect

Xbox 360

BY Chris GramlichPublished Jan 2, 2008

Developer BioWare has set the bar high for the action/RPG genre, having created such titles as Knights of the Old Republic and Neverwinter Nights. However, with Mass Effect, the Canadian developer returns to deep space without the safety net/familiarity of Lucas’s Star Wars universe but still creates one of their best, most fully realised achievements and a true next gen iteration of their work. Although not as customisable as, say, Oblivion, you start off choosing your human character’s (Commander Shepard) look, class, slightly customising a back-story, which is referenced through the game, and even sex. From there, it’s not a great departure from those familiar with Knights of the Old Republic, as the constant questioning and branching dialogue trees remain, as you try to unravel the machinations behind an intergalactic threat, acquire various party members, outfit them with the most badass weapons and armour, and save the universe. However, the dialogue has never felt as smooth and natural, the graphics have never looked so gorgeous and the story, while not exactly ground-breaking in the "save the universe” sense, is full of twists and is always compelling. Also in keeping with past games, your character has both "Rogue” and good "Paragon” meters, basically to keep track of how good or bad you are being via your choices/actions. As well, much like what Bioshock attempted, there are moral ambiguities that play out and consequences to your actions (at one point, you have to decide which member of your crew lives or dies). All this further serves to immerse the player fully in the world. However, as great as the game is, there are a few small issues. Vehicle combat is shaky throughout, although with practice it gets easier, the exploring of non-plot-oriented worlds becomes a little predictable, and the game feels a little shorter than past efforts from the developer. Or maybe it’s just that you don’t want it to be over — always the mark of a great game. Unquestionably setting up any number of sequels, Mass Effect is another great offering from BioWare, tailor made for anyone still in withdrawal from KotOR.

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