Gigwise is reporting that Madonna was desperate to bear the child of Tupac Shakur during the year the pair dated in the mid-'90s. According to author Lucy O'Brien's new book, Madonna: Like An Icon, Madge was in her late '30s while they were a couple and was looking to conceive with the late rapper. In the book, the Material Girl's friend Alison Clarkson admits: "She was going out with him but homegirls were saying to him, 'I can't believe you're going out with a white girl,' so she got dumped!" After that, Madonna then began a relationship with her personal trainer, Carlos Leon and the two of them conceived Lourdes, who was born in October 1996.
So, what if Tupac and Madonna did procreate? Would it be the most beautiful baby not belonging to Angelina and Brad? Well, Exclaim! felt it necessary to play God and see what the offspring of two very distinct faces would look like and the results, unfortunately, are not pretty - as you can see. Some things are better left un-morphed.
So, what if Tupac and Madonna did procreate? Would it be the most beautiful baby not belonging to Angelina and Brad? Well, Exclaim! felt it necessary to play God and see what the offspring of two very distinct faces would look like and the results, unfortunately, are not pretty - as you can see. Some things are better left un-morphed.