
Selva Molhada

BY Keith CarmanPublished Sep 22, 2009

Everyone needs a gimmick; it's what keeps certain bands in the spotlight. Unfortunately, if it isn't that interesting or have sustainability it ends up being an albatross instead of a benefit. In the case of Salt Lake City's Loom ― named after the weaving instrument as an allusion to how they entwine musical genres ― they've opted for an electric violin to add flavour to Selva Molhada's ten screamo tracks. Big mistake, but not because it's odd and seemingly unfitting. The strings are the most interesting aspect of this album, drawing the ear to their melancholy melodies, leaving the rest of the band sounding like just another Thursday, or whatever band from this genre you can think of that utilize a tenor scream wailing over harmonic guitars and mid-tempo riffs. It's not horrible but it's not exactly fresh and awe-inspiring. Imagine if Alexisonfire had opted to add a fiddle during their Watch Out! days. Yeah.

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