Les Prostiputes

Sexe En Stéréo

BY Liz WorthPublished Mar 23, 2007

This Abitibi, QC band are propelled by unadulterated oomph and bubblegum inflections. Driven by the energy of the Ramones and the melodic sensibilities of the Beach Boys, Les Prostiputes infuse rockabilly undertones with unstoppable disorder to create ultimately catchy, straight-ahead punk. Formed seven years ago, this quartet have a power behind them that gives their songs the ability to harness a momentum that doesn’t once let up throughout this album. Part kitsch and part sneering attitude, Sexe En Stéréo offers up as much subversion as it does humour with tracks like "Je Suis un Teenage Zombie de L’Outer-Space Baby.” There’s also a strong ’50s throwback vibe happening here as well, and that Beach Boys influence shines through when these French Canadians start singing about California. Sexe En Stéréo oozes bubblegum punch and rippling energy, and is an album not to be missed by fans of adrenaline-soaked power pop.
(Méga Fiable)

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