Leather Uppers

'Come Alive! Live at Club Vera Groningen 2006'

BY Alex HudsonPublished Feb 6, 2014

The Leather Uppers tend to release music at a snail's pace, having issued just two albums in 20 years. It's a rare treat, therefore, than the Canuck rock duo have shared the concert album Come Alive! Live at Club Vera Groningen 2006.

As the title indicates, the album was recorded during a European tour eight years ago, the same year that the band released their sophomore album Bright Lights. It was recently unearthed by the pair and mastered by returning studio collaborator Peter Hudson.

According to an announcement, this collection of "13 incendiary rockers... captures all the manic fun of the Leather Uppers live on stage." Stream the album below, or download it in exchange for an optional donation.

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