Kid Gorgeous's split with Dead To The World, on the now sadly defunct Redstar Records, showed nothing but promise for this Buffalo, NY, unit - even if it was limited to a reiteration of its influences, lacking a distinct identity. However, it did demonstrate that Kid Gorgeous were close, musically, if still not at the level of the standard-bearers, in terms of innovation. It seemed inevitable that Kid Gorgeous would equal their peers with their debut full-length, and while a overhauling of their line-up has had nothing but positive improvements, Friday Night Knife Fight doesn't herald in a new metal/noise/hardcore revolution by any means. However, it does stand up against anything currently in circulation, which is an achievement in itself. The relentless metallic-hardcore assault effortlessly recalls noisecore stalwarts Coalesce, if maybe not as chaotic and buffeting, and Converge, minus the dramatic emotional shifts. Kid Gorgeous also possess a healthy love for metallic, death/thrash-inspired breakdowns, and opener "Love Song" is perhaps a glimpse of what Drowningman might sound like without the melody and angelic-to-demonic ramblings of Simon Brody. To contrast the brutality of the album, ambient/noise interludes serve to break up the pace. While "Paying the Butcher in Diamonds" may be the best song, "And The Headlines Muttered Dirt" takes the biggest chance, musically, on the album; utilising acoustic guitars and melodic singing to contrast the compressed screams, reaching for an emotional context beyond simple abuse. Still, it is a case of competency versus creativity, and while Friday Night Knife Fight is a brutally proficient release, it still seems to lack in defining characteristics.
(Uprising)Kid Gorgeous
Friday Night Knife Fight
BY Chris GramlichPublished Jul 1, 2001