KEN Mode

"Secret Vasectomy" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Jul 29, 2013

Mercifully, metalcore destructionists KEN Mode opt out of using squirm-inducing surgery footage in their new video for Entrench's "Secret Vasectomy." That said, the Crayola-toting crew of kids shown in the clip whip up some equally unsettling imagery.

The assembled artistses have apparently all been taught to brush their teeth too hard in the a.m., leaving their ivory sinks full of spit and blood. After their respective gum-punishing rituals, we see the pint-sized Picassos sketching out anything from hopping frogs and blood-dripping Cro-Magnon skulls, to a happy cowboy hoisting a horse in the air, or a pile of electrical tools laying beside a pair of severed hands.

The band's next video will apparently continue with this theme, so expect to gaze at the madness of youth some more in the near future.

As previously reported, KEN Mode will hit the road for a Canadian tour this fall, and you can see the date info over here.

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