

BY Kevin HaineyPublished Aug 1, 2006

A far cry from the self-titled debut they released last year, Montreal’s Intercom are quickly evolving into consistently more unique ideas and expressions of modern electronics. Where Intercom mostly rode through a plethora of influences (the Krautrock dreamscapes of Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze, the fragmented cyber-beats of Autechre), AAAAAAA instead leaps headlong into a sound that is entirely this trio’s own. Unpredictable, noisy, beat-driven and deconstructed, Intercom construct electronic compositions that sound like computer networks disintegrating into chaos. The group’s songs function on a warped logic and sense of movement that second-guesses itself and outthinks its own every next move, enthusiastically making sharp turns onto new roads at break-neck speeds, and self-destructively abandoning each great idea for the next. Granted, Intercom’s music might be a little too much on the intense noise side of electronic music’s coin for the usual beat spinner, but for anyone with an interest in Montreal’s burgeoning experimental scene (most particularly the magnificently head-fucking duo Dreamcatcher), Intercom are making the exciting, forward-thinking and indefinable stuff that dreams are made of.
(Le Son 666)

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