Influential yet Forgotten Hardcore Heroes Rorschach Reunite

BY Greg PrattPublished Jun 12, 2009

The following news won't mean much to a lot of people, with the exception of the dudes in Buried Inside, myself and a few selected survivors from the early-'90s hardcore scene. But to the select few who get it, holy crap, we're floored: Rorschach are reuniting.

The emotional metallic hardcore band (back when that meant something) will play a handful of shows in from September 23 to 27 in the American Northeast, hitting up "Boston, NY, NJ, D.C. and Philly," says the band's message board [via Brooklyn Vegan]. And according to what guitarist Nick Forte told Lambgoat, "all original members will be involved" (and maybe even "all original roadies").

Rorschach, who were around from '89 to '93, are best known for providing members to influential metallic hardcore noiseniks Deadguy and Kiss It Goodbye, and vocalist Charles Maggio went on to found Gern Blandsten Records, the one-time home to such bands as Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, the Van Pelt, Dalek and Radio 4.

No word yet on if this means new material or if a trip to Canada is in the works. But man, wait with baited breath we will, while we dig out our Portraits of Past and Acme seven-inches to kill the time.

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