
Kiss Kiss Kill Kill

BY Sam SutherlandPublished Feb 20, 2008

Psychobilly is really cool and all but it’s a little limiting as a sub-genre. Sure, you get to have a rad haircut, drive a really old car and sleep in a coffin but after about three records, all your songs kind of start to sound the same. Horrorpops are not a bad band by any means; they’re a really good psychobilly band and with Kiss Kiss Kill Kill, they now have three strong records to back them up. Trouble is, all three sound exactly the same. If you’ve never heard Hell Yeah! or Bring it On!, the band’s first two records, Kiss Kiss will definitely satisfy your hunger for catchy rockabilly songs, with titles like "Horrorbeach Pt. II.” But if you’ve spent any time with either of the band’s earlier records, there isn’t much on Kiss Kiss to keep your attention. It’s well-worth checking out for anyone with a casual interest in the genre but everyone else will probably be satisfied sticking to their Tiger Army records and spending their cash on anchor tattoos.

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