Her Space Holiday

Her Space Holiday

BY Daniel SylvesterPublished Aug 16, 2011

There was a period in the early '00s, as magazines like SPIN and Alternative Press shifted towards mainstream tastes, before the advent of online bloggers, where a handful of independent artists simply fell through the cracks. Unfortunately, San Francisco, CA's Marc Bianchi was a victim of this, as his musical project, Her Space Holiday, enjoyed a small, cultish audience. His eighth and final release has been described as encompassing his band's varied sonic themes, which may be the reason Her Space Holiday sounds like such a mess. Upon listening to the jumbled rhythms of "Anything for Progress," the lo-fi romp of "The Candle Jumped Over the Spoon" and the much-too-dramatic/intimate lyrical tale of "Death of a Writer," it's apparent that Bianchi checked out from his bedroom/pop styles long ago, making further attempts to revisit said sounds ("Black Cat Balloons," "Ghost in the Garden") forced and joyless. In an alternate universe, Bianchi would have been a star and his final release would have had much less to prove.
(No More Good Ideas)

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