The Tragically Hip Get Covered by Dan Mangan, Trews, Command Sisters and More

Rob Baker invites Canadian artists to take on Gord Downie's "Ahead by a Century" vocals

BY Allie Gregory and Josiah HughesPublished May 26, 2021

The Tragically Hip officially joined TikTok this month ahead of releasing their archival project Saskadelphia. While the band get their footing on the platform, guitarist Rob Baker christened their account with an invitation for fans to join him in a duet of the group's chart-topping single, "Ahead by a Century."

The response so far has been enormous, with hundreds of fans tapping in to help cover the late and great Gord Downie's vocals on the track. While dozens of fans rose to the challenge, a few big-name Canadian artists have also accepted the invitation, offering their signature vocals to the homegrown tear-jerker.

Below, you can see Dan Mangan, the Trews, the Command Sisters, Breakfast Television's Jennifer Valentyne and more bring their own fresh takes to the '96 Hip classic, and be sure to watch for some underground Canadian acts offering their takes as well.

Here are TikTok's Takes on "Ahead by a Century":

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