Hamilton Leithauser

"I Don't Need Anyone" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Jul 14, 2014

Hamilton Leithauser's "I Don't Need Anyone" may, by title alone, eschew any sort of together time, but the video for the latest Black Hours has the indie crooner kicking it, for better or worse, as part of an inseparable duo.

Directed by Paul Maroon (Leithauser's longtime Walkmen chum, who also had a hand in Black Hours' songwriting sessions), the video finds the solo artist involved in various vignettes with a dapper but Droopy-esque character (played by soundman Christopher Colbert). Cannonballs are enjoyed by the pool, mugs of ale are split unevenly, and a shaky flight offers up sage advice in the ongoing "don't text and fly" debate.

You'll see the pair's friendship flash before your eyes down below.

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