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Freedom or Death


BY Jessica LewisPublished Apr 26, 2011

Freedom or Death's story is about making the music they want to make after learning about industry motives while the Toronto, ON duo worked at a major label. Steve Fernandez and Sway Clarke found their joined voice and are confident about it. What we hear is something dreamy, wistful and melancholy. On their second EP, they continue exploring soft electronics and soulful textures. "Inside" is watery, bursting with instrumentation and "This Crowded Room" quickly goes into ballad territory. "Elefant" takes it up again, based upon explosive drums and electronic beats, and is one of the album's highlights. "Gesprach (Talk)," "Human" and "Virginia Woolf" orbit guitars and high vocal notes. The vocals throughout are in long, sweeping notes and sound quite sad. They've got atmosphere down, but that means you have to be in a similar mood while listening. A good effort, but they haven't quite reached their ultimate goal of redemption just yet.

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