Freak Heat Waves

"Dig a Hole" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Feb 5, 2015

Having just launched their Bonnie's State of Mind LP, Victoria's Freak Heat Waves are now putting the focus onto jittery dance track "Dig a Hole" with a blurry and confounding set of VHS-utilizing visuals.

As the track teeters around with lean, late '70s post-punk grooves one could contort themselves to, the video displays a Technicolor blanket of fuzz that occasionally reveal images of hot rods, 3D renderings of Michael Myers' face (maybe), a freaky eyeball, and newscasts. Most confusingly, the spliced montage features time stamps from 1988 and 1998.

Bonnie's State of Mind is out now via Hockey Dad Records. Starting tonight (February 5) the band will be playing a trio of release shows in BC. You can see those dates below.

Tour dates:

02/05 Victoria, BC - Logan's Pub %
02/06 Nanaimo, BC - Crace Mountain ^
02/07 Vancouver, BC - Fox Cabaret *

% with Fountain, Painted Fruits
^ with Bash Brothers
* with Dada Plan, Woolworm

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