Father John Misty

'I Love You, Honeybear' (NSFW album trailer)

BY Josiah HughesPublished Nov 18, 2014

Fleet Foxes drummer turned solo folk rock freak Father John Misty announced his new LP, I Love You, Honeybear, two weeks ago. In the world of album rollouts, that means he'd usually share another full song or video by now, but instead he's treated fans to a brief trailer for the LP.

The minute-long clip features audio from album tracks "When You're Smiling and Astride Me" and "Holy Shit." The audio is paired with a quick slideshow featuring shots of an usually shirtless Joshua Tillman, who's occasionally joined by a naked woman (hence the NSFW tag — your boss is such a prude).

Watch the trailer for I Love You, Honeybear below. The album lands on February 10 via Sub Pop.

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