Siege of Amida brought deathcore heavyweights Whitechapel to the world with the release of their debut, The Somatic Defilement. But with the release of Dyscarnate's newest, And So It Came to Pass, they dropped the "core" part of the equation and released a straight-up death metal album. At times sounding like a Nergal-fronted-Behemoth, at others like Aborted mixed with Bloodbath, Dyscarnate are proving they can keep up with the some of the best. And though the album occasionally slows it down, breakdowns these aren't, rather the dips in speed are slam-inspired headbangers. If you don't like death metal, this isn't about to convert you, but if you like your beats blasted and your riffs heavy, you couldn't choose a better new artist. Who knows, maybe Siege of Amida might bring the world the next big death metal band as well.
(Siege of Amida)Dyscarnate
And So It Came to Pass
BY Bradley Zorgdrager Published Feb 26, 2012