Dirty Projectors

Opera House, Toronto ON September 15

BY Jessica LewisPublished Sep 16, 2010

The Brooklyn-based indie popsters returned to Toronto last night, half promoting their Björk-collaborated EP, Mount Wittenberg Orca, and half making sure we all still remember how good they are. We do, and last night's show made them even better. They can grow as their audience does, and they can rock out to fill any venue's size. When they took the stage in flashing lights and loud spurts, it was different, especially since the last time they were here, they played a softer show at Lee's Palace. But their energy carried them through the set and it became clear that this is where they're headed.

They started the set with the newer songs, but quickly changed gears to Bitte Orca for the rest of the evening. They didn't have too much time for audience interaction, however, the most notable and special halt was when they invited label-mate (and Polaris nominee) Owen Pallett to play on the delicate "Two Doves."

The band mixed things up with Bitte Orca songs and added more improvised oomph in places. Though for the most part, all six members are stationary, they seemed in top form. Drummer Brian Mcomber was at ease on his higher platform, raining down beats, while Nat Baldwin's bass was amped more, making it easier to see how his lines structure the songs. Amber Coffman is becoming more of a star next to Longstrenth, as she gave more flutter to her short breaths and more push in her longer notes. Angel Deradoorian and Haley Dekle are gaining more confidence and precision. The effect of all three female voices in this band will always be something of awe. We'll miss the smaller moments, but their talent is becoming harder to ignore by most. It will also be interesting to see if their future work lets them rock out as much as they did last night.

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