Din Brad


BY Natalie Zina WalschotsPublished Jun 6, 2012

A side-project of two members of Negura Bunget (Negru and Inia Dinia), Din Brad draw upon traditional Romanian music. The moniker means "from the fir tree," a symbol of immortality and endurance. Din Brad were an idea long before they were a solid musical entity, floating around as a concept since 2002. The band finally assembled in 2008 and played live for the first time in 2011. Dor is their debut. This isn't a metal album; it may appeal, however, to metal fans who are interested in ambient folk metal and traditional instruments. Din Brad blend traditional Romanian music with synth elements rather than heavy instrumentation. The dominant emotional tones are profound yearning and introspective melancholy, deep and well suited to the long, sweeping soundscapes of this neo-folk vista. There is no release, no catharsis available through the music, just indulgence, a submersion in emotion and tone that can descend into wallowing, if not curbed. Dor is sparse and sombre, to the point of pain, a chill and refreshing interpretation that will appeal to metalheads looking for gloom devoid of sonic heaviness.

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