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Boats Schedule Canadian Tour in Support of 'A Fairway Full of Miners'

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jan 16, 2013

According to a press release, Boats have already toured North America eight times, and that number is only going to keep on growing, since the eclectic Winnipeg pop outfit just scheduled an outing in support of the forthcoming A Fairway Full of Miners.

The tour begins with a hometown album release show on February 2. After that, the band will head out to the West Coast in late February, and then make their way to Ontario and Quebec in March. Currently, the schedule includes 10 Canadian stops, including an appearance at Canadian Music Fest in Toronto. See the itinerary below.

A Fairway Full of Miners comes out on February 5 through Kill Rock Stars. The latest cut from the album to emerge online is the sugar-addled (and strangely titled) "Getting Worst.jpeg." Scroll past the tour dates to hear it.

Tour dates:

2/2 Winnipeg, MB - West End Cultural Center
2/21 Saskatoon, SK - Vangelis
2/22 Calgary, AB - Hi Fi Club (early show)
2/23 Edmonton, AB - Wunderbar
2/28 Vancouver, BC - The Cobalt
3/21 Windsor, ON - Phog Lounge
3/22-23 Toronto, ON - Canadian Music Fest
3/27 Guelph, ON - Albion
3/28 Ottawa, ON - Pressed
3/29 Montreal, QC - La Cagibi

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