Phew! Good thing this ultra-obscure 2002 debut release from these Swede black thrashers got reissued. My Cranium discs were getting worn out and I needed to hear some more thrash about chainsaws. These guys take a more nuclear/war approach to their raw, drunk, Venom-blackened thrash than the trad thrash/speed freaks in Cranium, and while that band's humour was a bit more obvious, Bestial Mockery could be quite serious about many things (Satan, for example). But they could also be tongue-in-cheek clowns getting plastered and doing all kinds of horrible things to their instruments, like they do throughout this disc. "Raise the Chalice" offers a brief respite, as it gets all triumphant '80s metal on us, but most of the album is a hysterical heads-down race to the finish line. I'm left thinking they might as well just reissue this disc every two years; who's going to notice it's the same blur every time? They pretty much nailed the sound they're going for on Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw.
(Hells Headbangers)Bestial Mockery
Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw
BY Greg PrattPublished Mar 1, 2010