Featuring both Ernie Parada and Jason Lehrhoff from Grey Area, the Arsons, not entirely surprisingly, sound a little like Grey Area. Well, Grey Area without the influence of New York hardcore. In fact, "Grapes of Wrath has a chorus that kind of sounds like the Cars. Most of Too True To Be Good, however, is a straight-ahead blast of East coast melodic hardcore in the vein of Lifetime or Kid Dynamite, albeit with a little more snotty bite that calls to mind a slightly harder-core version of Ben Weasel. "Nova Speaks demonstrates some of the bands best qualities, a heavy blast of catchy punk that recalls Bad Religion as much as Black Flag. Tack on a cover of the Flags "Nervous Breakdown and the Clashs "City of the Dead and youve got one solid record.
(Mad at the World)The Arsons
Too True To Be Good
BY Sam SutherlandPublished Jul 18, 2007